Resource Spotlight Monday - Exploring Women in Terrorism in Indonesia and Malaysia

Gender Unit UNOCT
Gender Unit UNOCT • 6 August 2024
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“Resource Spotlight Monday”: Today, the Gender and Identity Factors Platform (GIFP) features “Women in Terrorism: Evolution from Jemaah Islamiyah to Islamic State in Indonesia and Malaysia.” 

Published in the Journal of the International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research, this article explores how online recruitment and engagement have reduced barriers for women’s participation in terrorism. In particular, the article argues that social media has allowed women to independently build networks and plan attacks, namely including women’s participation in the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) and Da’esh across Indonesia and Malaysia. The article concludes by providing recommendations for how counter-terrorism and preventing/countering violent extremism (CT/PCVE) efforts could better address these challenges in Indonesia and Malaysia, as well as beyond. 

Visit the link above from the Resource Library to read more! Please feel welcome to comment any thoughts or questions you might have.  

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