About us

Gender and Identity Factors Platform (GIFP)

The Gender and Identity Factors Platform (GIFP) is a digital platform dedicated to gender and intersectionality in countering terrorism and in preventing and countering violent extremism (CT/PCVE).

The platform hosts UN entities, civil society organizations (CSOs), practitioners, researchers and Member States. It includes a library of resources that contains research, literature, guidance and tools. https://connect.unoct-connectandlearn.org/gifp-resources-library 

The Platform also provides training opportunities on gender and intersectionality in CT/PCVE. The communities of practice and events will also offer opportunity for exchange between experts, trainers, practitioners, and institutions specialized on gender, intersectional factors and CT/PCVE.

Through its diverse services, GIFP provides concrete evidence of good practices and lessons learned, raises awareness to important issues, and strengthens capacities for more effective, sustainable, gender-responsive and human rights compliant CT and PCVE policies and programmes.

This platform was created with support from Global Affairs Canada.