“Resource Spotlight Monday”: Today, the Gender and Identity Factors Platform (GIFP) features a collection of three resources that explore the importance of the role of civil society and civil society organisations in countering terrorism and preventing and countering violent extremism (CT/PCVE). Together these resources, along with a number of other resources found in the Resource Library, highlight how engagement and partnership with civil society can strengthen gender mainstreaming within CT/PCVE programmes and policies.
Civil society has not only played crucial roles in the promotion of gender equality, but also in the fight against terrorism. One first resource reflects the outcomes of the consultations organised by UN Women on behalf of the Working Group on Adopting a Gender-Sensitive Approach to Preventing and Countering Terrorism of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact. The resources demonstrate the experiences and challenges faced by CSOs surrounding the gendered dimensions of CT/PCVE programmes and policies, and recommendations as to how they might be able to better contribute to such initiatives in the future. There are also regional reports, which you can find in the library by selecting the research theme “Civil Society and Community-Based Approaches”. The other two resources are case studies demonstrating the value and importance of engagement and partnership with civil society in CT/PCVE efforts.
These resources include the following:
Visit the links above from the Resource Library to read more! Please feel welcome to comment any thoughts or questions you might have.
Remember you can explore additional human rights-based resources via GIFP’s Resource Library. The library spans a multitude of thematic areas of focus across the nexus of gender CT/PCVE, outlining some of the key concepts critical to understanding gender dynamics within terrorism and violent extremism, as well as the programmes and policies that seek to counter and prevent them. All resources are publicly accessible!