Results of GIFP Survey to Shape the Platform's Interactive Part

Gender Unit UNOCT
Gender Unit UNOCT • 5 March 2024
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A critical function of the Gender and Identity Factors Platform (GIFP) is the establishment of communities of practice. Open to various segments of GIFP members, the multiple communities of practice will offer a closed and intimate online space to facilitate learning specific to gender and intersectionality, while bolstering the sharing of lessons, promising practices, and multistakeholder coordination and collaboration, within counter-terrorism and preventing/countering violent extremism (CT/PCVE) sphere.  

In this regard, the GIFP team in 2022-2023 held multiple consultations, in addition to conducting a survey on this page, to provide GIFP members an opportunity to shape the Platform’s interactive part. Our sincere gratitude to those who were able to participate! 

As a result of the survey and consultations, we found that respondents favored the following formats of interaction in communities of practice: 

  • Webinars 

  • Exchange of written comments (forum style) 

  • Virtual Coffee and Networking 

  • Q&As with Experts 

In terms of themes to be discussed in communities of practice, the respondents prioritized: 

  • Good practices of integrating gender and identity factors in CT/PCVE 

  • Gendered impacts of CT/PCVE measures 

  • Gender and intersectionality in specific areas of CT/PCVE (e.g. criminal justice response, investigations, etc.) 

Based on these suggestions, the GIFP team will be launching the first community of practice very soon. Please be sure to keep checking back on this page as further details will be provided soon. 

Do you have any other suggestions for themes you would like discussed in future communities of practice, or formats to discuss them in? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.