This impact report takes an evidence-based approach (baseline and post-intervention surveys) to assess the outcomes of the Kumekucha project. The Kumekucha approach to peacebuilding addresses mental health and trauma, focusing on individual beliefs to increase resilience and resistance to reactionary forces, including violent extremism. The Green String Network emphasizes that experiences of violent extremism are gendered and affect men and women differently. However, despite being key actors within communities, women are often side-lined in PCVE activities. GSN argues that any effective methods for tackling extremism needs to include women. Pages 40-41 illustrate that women represented the majority of Kumekucha participants, and have since taken a lead in many of the post-intervention initiatives. For example, various women’s groups have been formed, which address violent extremism in different spheres, including relating to finances and mosques. The last section of the report offers a range of recommendations, including: focusing on community centred and integrated PCVE, enhancing social cohesion through shared narratives of healing and togetherness, and empowering individuals to become ‘agents of positive change’.