To build on the work done to set up Gender and Identity Factors Platform (GIFP) and to strengthen the close and mutually reinforcing GCTF – Counter-Terrorism Compact partnership, Canada and UNOCT, are convening these GCTF consultations to provide an overview of the GIFP and to draw upon participants’ experiences and knowledge to inform and shape the next phases and enhancements of the platform. It will seek to further enhance the usability, identify gaps, and raise awareness of the GIFP, as well as solicit future activities and outputs for the GIFP from potential users. It will also provide an opportunity to identify further context specific knowledge products and other resources on gender, intersectionality and CT/PCVE which are human rights based, to form part of the library of resources. The meeting will include several break-out room discussions to ensure that participants have the opportunity to share their experiences and suggestions.
Event date
8 Dec '22 13:30 - 16:15 (CET)
Event location