GIFP Community of Practice for Member States

GIFP 47 members

What is this group?

The GIFP Community of Practice (CoP) for Member States serves as a place for CT/CPVE practitioners to convene to share experiences, knowledge, and good practices. It provides a platform for members to share ideas, solicit input and advice, learn from each other, and ask questions on how best to incorporate gender and intersectionality into their work. The CoP is connected to the Gender and Identity Factors Platform (GIFP), which hosts a library of resources on gender, identity, intersectionality in CT/PCVE that is available for all members to use.

Aims and Objectives

The aims of this Community of Practice are threefold:

  • Strengthen understanding of the intrinsic linkages between gender dynamics and CT/PCVE efforts, including providing access to key resources
  • Cultivate and share knowledge on good practices in gender sensitive CT/PCVE programming
  • Connect and Support CT/PCVE practitioners through a dynamic network of experts working together to pursuing gender sensitive CT/PCVE.

The Specific Objectives for this COP are:

  1. Identify linkages between gender and intersectionality to terrorism and violent extremism, including basic understandings in how the application of gender mainstreaming can contribute to and/or prevent terrorism and violent extremism.
  2. Facilitate the sharing of lessons learned, promising practices, and challenges for the application of intersectional gender approaches to CT/PCVE. 

This CoP sets out to answer the following questions:  

  • How can we better understand the relevance and importance of gender considerations and identity factors in violent extremism and terrorism?  
  • What does it mean to undertake an intersectional approach, including within the context of the design, development, and implementation of CT/PCVE policy and programmes?  
  • How can Member States use existing frameworks and mechanisms to facilitate the integration of intersectional gender approaches to CT/PCVE? What might be the most effective way for Member States to engage and partner with civil society organizations, as well as other segments of stakeholders?